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Friday, March 29, 2013

Smashwords Again

I am going to expand my library on From what I've seen around on the site it is possible to get a fairly large following, but it just takes some time. Since I have a few old short stories that are no longer under contract, but have been previously published, I think smashwords would be a great place to put them up for a wider audience to see. The problem is some of these works are not as polished as they should be, especially considering that they are already published. With a little editing I think they will make a great addition to what I am already offering on smashwords.

In addition to these old short stories I have quite a bit of poetry that is all ready for an audience. I have looked around various places to see if i could find some markets for them, but in general I don't really like many of the places I see, or they wouldn't like my kind of poetry. Therefore I am going to sort through my various poems and make a selection from amongst them in order to put another collection on smashwords.

All of these are going to be free, since not many people are really all that willing to pay for poetry (especially since the masters of old are all in the public domain at this point) and because the short stories I have already published are already available for free elsewhere. I've also decided my first collection of short stories on smashwords should be free as well, given that not many people seem willing to pay for it anyway. I'd rather it is read than to be paid for it.

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